Cardiotocography (CTG) or cardiotocographic monitoring employs ultrasound and other electronic equipment to allow the health practitioner who is assisting a woman in labour to perform a continuous assessment of the fetal heart rate (FHR) vis-a-vis maternal contractions in an effort to deliver better health outcomes for both mother and baby.

Is CTG beneficial? Is it safe? These are questions best put to the medical practitioner. This site does not endorse CTG or any of the sources below, but is an information site designed to raise awareness of the practice and provide links to resources for those unfamiliar with the technology.

This web site is under construction.

CTG machines for sale

Majority of women who give birth in Australia are monitored with CTG: Cerebral Palsy rates three times higher compared to intermittent auscultation

Birth Small Talk - Can CTGs harm?

Overuse of intrapartum CTG for low-risk women